Monday, May 27, 2013

50 days to 50k


Did you know that by supporting us financially, you are also supporting dozens of other missionary families in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania? 

You see, we have to raise support to live on next year. And yes, that money will go towards normal living expenses like rent, food, utilities, etc. but really, it goes so much further. By raising our own support, we are helping Haven of Peace by reducing their costs (teacher salary), which allows them to offer an affordable education to missionary families. 

The other local international school in Dar is about $25,000/year. Sound affordable on a missionary budget? HOPAC is somewhere around 7k or so- and missionary families often get about a 40% discount off of that- ALL because of your support!! 

See what I mean? Your gift is truly a gift- for us, and so many others who are serving Christ and spreading the gospel in Tanzania. 

Please visit our fundraising tab to see how you can donate or pledge support. You can also follow the link to the right to the Christian Reformed World Missions webpage (our sending agency). You can donate securely online or see how to mail in your support. 

We have 50 days until we move. We have about $50,000 left to raise. Can you help? 

A HUGE thank you to so many who have helped us already!! We are so humbled and blessed by your generosity! 

Looking for help....

Can you help?

1. Garage Sale Help: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8am - 5pm THIS WEEK! I need help (and some company) running the sale, I would love volunteers to help out with my kids at any point during those 3 days, and we'll take any donations you might have for us to sell! I'm also happy to have some help Wednesday organizing the chaos that is my garage right now. SO MUCH TO SELL!!!

2. Tubs: We're starting to pack & send stuff to storage. We need tubs. We're trying not to spend lots of money & realize some people have extras laying around. If you have any (with fitting lids) that you're not using, we'd LOVE to take them off your hands!

Thanks Friends!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Q & A

We were given the blessing of sharing about our move and ministry at our evening worship service last night. Thank you to those who came and participated!

We had a great time of Q & A with some good questions asked.

I thought we'd do a Q & A segment on the blog this week. Feel free to ask your questions either in the comment section, or on facebook and Marc and I will answer them throughout the week!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Garage Sale Donations

We are having a garage sale on May 30, 31 and June 1. We will be selling most of our possessions in an attempt to raise LOTS of money for our move. Not all of the money will go directly to world missions - some of it will be used to pay off debt we have and want to pay off before our move.

We would LOVE to accept donations of any kind for the sale. Please let me know if you have anything you'd like to donate - we'd like to stay away from adult clothing, but everything else is fair game!

Please contact us if you need us to pick something up from your home, or just drop it off at our house anytime in the next month! My cell is 437-5355 and email:

If you'd like to help me tag, organize, set up, run the sale, bring me starbucks during the sale, help make signs or anything else, let me know! I'd love the help and company!